Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Help From the North

Our good friends from Logan, Bryan and Jean, arrived to help us again. I don’t know why they keep coming except for the fact that they are, indeed, good friends. Every time they are here, we have a long list of things for them to work on, and most of the items on the list are not very much fun. That’s why they are on the visitors list.

This time Bryan and Jean cleaned and organized our garage. Jean helped take a huge load of garbage to the dumpsters set up at the town hall for community clean up days. Bryan painted the porch bench with beeswax. When they were finished, for one brief moment, there was even room for a car in the garage.

Meanwhile, Scott participated in a little deconstruction by removing the old test color palette from the side of the garage. Does this mean there is a finished future for the garage as well?

The best part of Bryan and Jean's visit was their good company and the hike we took together to the petrified wood “forest” just outside of town.

Before we knew it, they completed the list and were off to work on projects of their own.

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