Monday, May 3, 2010

A New Season

Despite the sixty-plus-mile-per-hour gusts of wind and the snow that made for challenging work conditions, Scott’s first two trips to Torrey this spring were very productive. We packed the flatbed trailer to the limit with project supplies: our  Kubota tractor, a used refrigerator, a soil screen, a wood-burning stove and new trees.

Last year we discovered that the new street lights in Torrey are poorly shielded and spill light onto our property a block away. As soon as possible, we planned to plant trees to screen our house from the glare. Just in time to place the once-a-year order, we learned about the Utah Association of Conservation Districts' Conservation Tree Program. For a minimal cost, we purchased ten 5-foot tall cottonless cottonwood trees and five 18-inch tall Colorado blue spruce trees. In a few years, they'll grow into a welcome light and sound barrier. Besides these trees, Scott has also planted a Honey Crisp Apple tree and a Chestnut Crabapple tree north of the yurt (the beginning of our orchard) and four more cottonwood trees to the east of the yurt. Now a Fat Albert blue spruce (a dwarf variety) sits in our driveway waiting for our next trip south.

The stove will be a welcome addition to the yurt. We'll no longer need to huddle around our valiant but undersized propane heater every night trying to warm up enough to go to sleep. I can hardly wait to say, "It sure is hot in here."

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